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Reach more customers with short sound ads

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Engaged and young audience

Reach the driving forces of today and tomorrow and grow your business with the generation Z and Alpha — 70% of Voicy users are younger than 25!

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Make a unique and lasting impact

Voicy Ads leverage the unique power of audio. Immerse and engage them in your brand with Voicy audio advertising.

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Drive instant results

Voicy ads are simple to create and can be easily tailored to your advertising needs and business goals. Our ads are built for businesses of all sizes and objectives.


Ads available in multiple formats

Use a Sound GIF or Sound Clip for sponsored content

Sound Clip

Checkmark icon Max 20 seconds
Checkmark icon Audio clip
Checkmark icon Used in: Gaming, Shorts & Messaging

Attracting a new generation of consumers


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Number of plays


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Immerse listeners in your world

by using the power of audio

From McDonald’s “ba-da-ba-ba-ba” melody to the Netflix buzz at the start of a show, more and more brands manage to leverage the power of sound in their branding. Using sound to communicate your brand’s message to your audience empowers the sonic identity of your brand and comes along with many opportunities for new marketing channels.
Audio is booming and making its way into your audience’s daily life. With increasing popularity in audio tech ranging from smart speakers to the use of voice messaging, audio consumption is on it’s rise. Research has shown that audio has a greater imaginative and emotional impact on people and that's why your brand could benefit greatly from audio advertising. Telling your brand story through sound is a great opportunity to keep your audience hooked.

Grow your small or large business with Voicy

Contact Voicy for more information