Ovaj meme zvuk traje 8.2 sekundi i može se besplatno preuzeti. Ovaj I understand too well. -What? -The fire that burns.. zvučni efekat je već podeljen puta. Zvučni klip 'I understand too well. -What? -The fire that burns..' je napravio Roblaster. Ovaj zvučni isečak sadrži tagove: ' too ', ' alexander the great ', ' greek tribes ', ' ancient greece ', ' burns ', ' biography ', ' the ', ' claire bloom ', ' put ', ' fire ', ' drama ', ' barry jones ', ' i ', ' out ', ' movies ', ' well ', ' richard burton ', ' greece ', ' inside ', ' movie ', ' what ', ' persian empire ', ' alexanderthegreatx42jc3x q ', ' history ', ' old ', ' understand ', ' fredric march ', ' classic ', ' you ', ' that ', ' macedonian king ', ' battle ', ' x42jc3x q ', . . Ovaj audio snimak je reprodukovan 1 puta i dobio je 0 sviđanja. Zvučni efekat I understand too well. -What? -The fire that burns.. je napravljen Jul 12, 2022
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